
This is the foreword of Dr Jaishree’s first book, Skin Talks. It is a penguin Random House publication and a bestseller. The foreword is written by her one and only idol, Padmabhushan Shri Amitabh Bachchan.

‘In nothing do men more nearly approach the Gods than in giving health to men.’Cicero
Our health, happiness, and well-being affects every aspect of our lives and Skin
Talks by DrJaishree Sharad is committed to providing you access to the best
resources and tools available to help you continually improve the quality of your skin and
your life.
One of the first duties of the physician is to educate the masses. This book does just that.
The patient, in concise and simple terms, is made to appreciate and understand the
importance of the skin which is our largest organ and plays a very important role as our
first level of defense against a host of environmental aggressors. A multitasker like no
other, our skin has many important functions, all of which are designed to help keep our
bodies working properly. The clear and precise examples in the book are so enlightening
and comforting. There is a solution, it says; it will take time and effort, but it can be
The in depth knowledge Jaishree has on the subject generates a feeling of confidence
and trust—something so essential for a patient to develop in his/her doctor.
Healthcare is an issue that must be dealt with and even with great insurance benefits that
provide you access to the finest medical care, your health still requires your attention and
effort. There are lifestyle solutions that can help you. The tremendous benefit it can
bring to one’s self-esteem when a conspicuous condition is turned around is gratifying.
This book is a tool you can use to help you achieve the level of health and well-being
through healthy skin that will make you a happy and more confident person. I am certain
you will be inspired and benefit tremendously by its contents.
The fact that health is our greatest asset must be appreciated, the more of it you have, the
richer you are.

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